A heart that mindfulness brings

Devotion is like fire, it has a magnetism, a warmth like fire. When the atmosphere is so cold that our body is chilled, we like to turn to the fire and draw near to it. In this cold world where nothing but cold and selfish hearts are all about us, each person caring only for himself, where there is a heart that has love in it, it has such a warmth, such a radiance that all are drawn to it, all want to be near it.- Hazrat Inayat Khan


献身(捧げること)は焚火の様であって、人を引き付け、焚火のように暖かい。空気が身体を冷やすほど冷たい時には、焚火に身体を向けそこに近づきたい。この冷たい世界でただ冷たく利己的な心しか私たちの周りにないところでは誰もが自分しか大事にしないけれど、人を大事に思う心(慈愛)があるところは、とても暖かく、それが伝わって誰もが引きつけられて、誰もがそばにいたいと願う。- Hazrat Inayat Khan

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